Partnerize clients have access to complete domain-level data for traffic and conversions originating from Skimlinks Publishers through downloadable reports and in the Partnerize interface.
If you are a Partnerize merchant, please contact your Customer Success Manager to get access to the 'subaffiliatedomain' parameter. Once you have access, please follow the below steps to see domain level data in your reports:
- Add an additional field to the ‘conversion items’ report by clicking on the ‘column’ icon and select ‘subaffiliatedomain’.
- Download the report
- The Skimlinks Publisher domain data will appear:
- in meta_subaffliatedomain if you process sales as an in-line conversion (a conversion with a single item)
- in meta_item_subaffliatedomain if you process multiple items in each sale
If you would like to view Skimlinks Publisher domain reporting in the Partnerize interface, you will need to opt in by contacting your Partnerize Customer Success Manager and asking for Meta Reporting. Once you have access please follow the below steps:
- Click on create a report.
- Name your report
- Click on item
- Click on the `Meta parameter` and select subaffiliatedomain from the dropdown.
- Select one or more of the values from the value dropdown.
- Complete the rest of the conditions for the report.
We expose the referring URL where possible in Partnerize's commission (item level) report under source_referrer.
Once the integration is activated and you have requested subaffiliatedomain to be added as a commissionable parameter, you will be able to create domain specific commission rules. There will be a new commissioning option called subaffiliatedomain that can be utilized in the rule creation process. Input the domain you want a custom rule for as it is passed to Partnerize to make a domain specific rule. Remember that the domain needs to match exactly how it is passed to Partnerize.
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