If you are a Merchant in the Rakuten affiliate network, we automatically pull in your offers from Rakuten's Coupon API and add them to your Merchant profile in our Skimlinks Publisher Hub.
Your offers are extracted from the promotional and coupon text links that you upload into Rakuten and added to the Rakuten Coupon API. You do not need to do anything additional to have appropriate links included in the Coupon API, but please note that it only includes text links for coupons or promotions that clearly offer consumers added value (e.g. Percentage Off, Dollar Off, Buy One Get One Free, Gift with Purchase, Free Trial, Combination Savings).
To see the promotions and coupons/vouchers of yours that publishers receive when they use the Coupon API, join the Rakuten Affiliate Network as a publisher and run this request using the Web Services token from your publisher account and your advertiser ID number (MID):
To find your Web Services token, log in to the Publisher Dashboard and go to Links > Web Services. Your MID can be found in the upper right corner of the Advertiser Dashboard.
If you would like to add something to your Skimlinks profile that is not pulled in by the Coupon API (e.g. new product, collaboration, etc.), please add it to our Offers form.
*Please note that we do not import offers that have an end date more than 90 days from the start date or offers without an end date. If your offer lasts more than 90 days or is ongoing, please submit it via our Offers Form.
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